Frequently Asked Questions

Honest answers to uncomfortable questions about our work


  • Can I go into debt or owe your company?

    No, because all your investments will be insured, and we protect your account from a negative balance

  • Do you charge transaction fees?

    No, Quantes does not impose any additional commissions or fees. Standard operator fees apply when conducting P2P exchanges.

  • How to invest in cryptocurrency correctly?

    If you have limited experience, it's better to trust an algorithm developed by an experienced trader. It will protect you from common mistakes and emotional decisions.

  • How to determine which investment company to trust with your capital?

    Ethical companies insure their clients' capital and shield it from going into the negative. For example, as done by our Quantes.

  • Which investment algorithms are the most effective?

    The most effective algorithms operate using artificial intelligence.

  • How to know where to invest today?

    Quantes algorithm analyzes over 1000 factors to make the right decision for you.

  • How is the effectiveness of your approach confirmed?

    In 5 years on the market, the algorithm has never resulted in losses for any of the investors.

  • Do I need initial capital to start investing with you?

    To begin, depositing just $50 is sufficient — that's the minimum amount the algorithm works with.

  • Is my investment insured?

    Yes, we have signed a contract with a well-known international insurance company.

  • What amount is needed to start?

    According to Quantes rules, the minimum deposit amount is $50. Working with smaller sums doesn't yield the desired commercial effect.

  • How do I replenish my investment?

    Register on the website. Click the 'Replenish' button, choose a convenient payment method, specify the amount, and transfer the money to the provided details.

  • How quickly are funds credited to the balance?

    Instantly, right after confirmation on the blockchain network.

  • Can I apply for a job with you?

    Yes, we are open to new, active partners. Contact technical support to learn about the working conditions.

  • Any remaining questions?

    Reach out using the contacts listed on the website or in the online chat.