
Terms of Service


0. Application for automatic agreement

0.1. Registering on the Quantes platform automatically entails the User agreeing to all the terms of this User Agreement.
0.2. By continuing to Quantes services after any changes to this User Agreement or any of the other applicable terms, agreements, or policies, the User agree to abide and be bound by those changes. If you do not agree with any changes to this User Agreement, you may close your account.

1. Introduction

1.1. This User Agreement becomes effective since the moment of its publication.
1.2. Quantes and the User are the parties to this User Agreement. The User of Quantes platform services is either a person or legal entity.
1.3. This User Agreement is deemed to be equivalent to a contract put in writing. The acceptance of this User Agreement implies the User’s complete and unconditional consent to all its provisions, including the User’s consent to processing the User’s personal data.
1.4. This User Agreement sets forth:
1.4.1. The regulations for using the Quantes platform.
1.4.2. The rights and obligations of Quantes Platform users and Quantes Platform operators.
1.4.3. How Quantes Platform Users Interact with Platform Administration.
1.4.4. The basic requirements for Quantes users.
1.5. The Quantes company may revise this Agreement and any of the other terms, agreements, or policies from time to time. The revised version will be effective at the time it will be posted.

2. Group of companies and public documents

2.1. Quantes comprises companies that are officially registered in the jurisdictions listed below:
2.1.1. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Australia, Georgia and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
2.2. Quantes is engaged in the following business activities:
2.2.1. the development of specialized software for crypto trading and investment management,
2.2.2. the organization of cryptocurrency mining, including cloud mining,
2.2.3. the development of investment products in the area of crypto-currency business,
2.2.4. blockchain based tokens minting, issuing and trading,
2.2.5. the development of partnership products and investment management services in the crypto business,
2.2.6. providing consulting services in the area of crypto-currency business.

3. Requirements for users

3.1. Quantes platform user (hereinafter - User) can become any person who has reached the age of eighteen and has no any legal limitation to use Quantes platform’s services and to conclude this Agreement.
3.2. The User can become a person with any citizenship and residence.
3.3. By accepting this Agreement, the User confirms that the assets used for investment are legally clean and User’s actions do not violate the laws of the countries of incorporation of the Quantes companies. The User confirms its willingness to provide regulatory authorities with proof of legal origin. The Quantes is not responsible for verifying the legality of the User's assets in any way.
3.4. By accepting this Agreement, the User confirms his right to dispose of the assets for investment on the Quantes platform. It is not recommended to use for investment borrowed funds or assets. It is not recommended to use for investment funds and assets the loss of which can significantly worsen the welfare of the User.
3.5. The User must independently perform his own tax and other reporting as required by the legislation.
3.6. All products presented on the Quantes platform are available to the User.
3.7. User is prohibited to:
3.7.1. disseminate negative information about the Quantes , companies, companies belonging to Quantes , the Quantes platform, products presented on theQuantes platform, employees and representatives of the Quantes , Quantes clients and affiliates;
3.7.2. perform multiple account registration. If another user of theQuantes platform intends to use the User’s IP Account, the User is obliged to notify the Quantes Platform Support Service in advance.
3.8. In case of violation by the User of the provisions of paragraphs 3.7.1 and 3.7.2. the Quantes has the right to block access to Quantes platform products and account and to freeze User’s assets.

4. Assets and Transactions

4.1. Title to assets in User’s account shall at all times remain with the User and shall not transfer to Quantes . Quantes shall have no liability for the аsset fluctuations or depreciation.
4.2. The User may fund or withdraw funds from his account in accordance to rules set forth by the Quantes.
4.3. The User may instruct Quantes platform to invest funds in correspondent strategies and/or purchase Quantes platform’s products and services.
4.4. When a asset transaction occurs using User’s credentials, the Quantes will assume that User has authorized such transaction, unless User notifies the Quantes otherwise. If the User believes he did not authorize a particular transaction or that a transaction was incorrectly carried out, the User must contact the Quantes as soon as possible via support service.
4.5. The Quantes platform may suspend, restrict, or terminate User’s access to any or all of the the Quantes services, and/or deactivate or cancel User’s the Quantes account, with immediate effect for any reason at its sole discretion and is under no obligation to disclose the details of its decision to take such action with the User. The User acknowledge that the Quantes' decision to take certain actions, including limiting access to, suspending, or closing User’s account for any reason in our sole discretion, may be based on confidential criteria that are essential to the Quantes risk management and security protocols. The User agrees that the Quantes is under no obligation to disclose the details of its risk management and security procedures.

5. User support service

5.1. Quantes organizes information support for Quantes platform users.
5.2. Information support services are provided free of charge for all Quantes users.
5.3. Information support is provided in the following formats:
5.3.1. Dialogue with the operator via online chat.
5.3.2. Offline ticket hosted on the following resources:
The widget on the Quantes platform.
Telegram chat with Quntes consultant.
Via E-mail [email protected].
5.4. The operator in the online chat will answer the question at a reasonable time. The actual speed of the operator’s response depends on the current number of requests.
5.5. The time it takes to process user requests depends on the complexity of the questions and the need to consult with subject matter experts. Maximum response time is 48 hours.

6. Personal data processing

6.1. Quantes processes the personal data of Quntes users in accordance with the following rules and regulations:
General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR).
Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
Directive (EU) 2016/680.
The processing of users' personal data is carried out in accordance with applicable legislation and standards for processing of the confidential information. Best applicable relevant standards are applied.
6.2. The term "processing of personal data" used in this Agreement includes, but is not limited to, the following transactions with information received from the User: collection, storage, analysis, systematization, use, updating, destruction. The list of such information may include information about registration on the Quantes platform, payment and other details, completed and planned transactions, IP addresses, equipment and software, contact data and other customer related information.
6.3. Confidentiality will apply to any information, including conversations and consultations with Quantes staff, received from the User within the framework of this Agreement. To prevent third parties from obtaining any personal data or information about the User, The Quantes will take all appropriate legal measures.
6.4. Quantes exclusively stores personal data on dedicated servers directly owned by Quantes companies. The transmission of data containing User information is done using cryptography methods such as symmetric cryptography and asymmetric traffic encryption.
6.5. Quantes refrains from transmitting user data to any third parties, even if it's impersonal.
6.6. Quantes are not responsible for any personal data leaks that have occurred due to the fault or negligence by the User.

7. Risk warning

7.1. By accepting the terms of this Agreement, the user acknowledges his complete understanding of the financial risks involved in investing in cryptocurrency assets and trading them.
7.2. The User agrees to the withdrawal of the profit guarantee by accepting the terms of this Agreement.
7.3. By accepting the terms of this Agreement, the User confirms that he understands and agrees to accept possible negative returns on investments on the Quantes platform. Quantes are not liable for the declared profits on deposits and is not accountable for the assets of platform users.
7.4. Quantes undertakes to take all appropriate measures to ensure investors receive the declared profit, the safety of their assets, system stability, and platform performance.
7.5. Quantes confirms that the fiat and cryptocurrency assets of the Account held on any accounts of the Quantes platform are protected by the current legislation of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Australia, Georgia and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which is an additional safeguard for the investment.

8. Quality assessment and claims

8.1. Quantes confirms its interest in receiving feedback from users, including negative experience with the Quantes platform and/or Quantes companies.
8.2. Quantes confirms its interest and willingness to accept and consider proposals to improve the Quantes platform and the quality of investment, partner and other products.
8.3. The Quantes confirms its interest in receiving a quality assessment from the User.
8.4. Contact details for feedback on the Quantes platform:
The widget on the Quantes platform.
Telegram chat with Quantes consultant.
Via E-mail [email protected] .
8.5. Any complaints regarding the operation of Quantes are sent to the following details:
The widget on the Quantes platform.
Telegram chat with Quantes consultant.
Via E-mail [email protected] .
8.6. In the event of a claim, the parties are required to negotiate to resolve the dispute and claim.
8.7. In the event that the User and the Quantes are unable to resolve their differences during the negotiation process, the User has the right to apply to the competent court, located in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Australia, Georgia or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

9. Making an adjustment and amendments

9.1. Quantes has the option to modify these rules based on changes in current legislation or optimization of the Quantes platform rules.
9.2. Quantes suggests that users monitor any changes made to the agreement on the Quantes website themselves.
9.3. Quantes is responsible for notifying users of important updates to these Agreement and Quantes platform rules.